"What can we do to support your cause?"
"How can we help?"
"Besides spending time and energy supporting the operations of Divine Heart Center, how else can we support the mission?"
These are the earnest questions we get from our initiates' circle. It is not by accident that initiates who have practiced the meditation techniques from DHC have also done well in their material life. Just as the spirit lays the foundation of the mind and body, an abundant spiritual life lays the foundation of an abundant material life.
The DHC Diamond program is a means for the initiates and well wishers who want to support the operations and growth of Divine Heart Center.
"Divya" means Divine and "Mandal" means a celestial formation typically interconnected in a circle for serving a specific purpose.
In this case, it is the formation of advanced yogis and well wishers of the purpose of the Divine Heart Center which is to "create happiness within one's world and worldwide through meditation".
In short, this program is called the DHC Diamond Program - which signifies the nature of our supporters.
Diamond subscriptions are due monthly. We are working on enabling automatic recurring subscriptions on this website. Till then, please remember to come back to this page every month to renew your monthly contribution.
Your Diamond contribution is greatly appreciated. The contribution is not mandatory.